English For Cabin Crew Oxford Pdf [BEST]
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Smrce:p .42 Basedon an articlefrom www2nurseweek.com. Theauthorsandpublishefiwouldlike tothankthefollo$,itlgflight attendoflts and trainers who assisted with thedorcloptnentofthisbook: Deborah Bullock, James Halliday, Dr.Young-mi Kim, Anna Ryazonova, Marijke van Hoeve,Mika Wade, andPamelaWood. 3. Gontents rSf;&ft'1,ffi{* 5t3j':.i:ii:i: r.lIIFl9Il:':.,:r1..'.,\"' r'r'l ::::::::f::i-1:TIt II$ffifb**it5pathCareer Responsibilities People and placesjobs Describingandpersonal qual i ti es Describing airportanPrc{ightPre-flightbriefing lntroductionsAircraftfeaturesgreetings Formal informal and questions Askingdirect Saying what'swrong Asking clarifi forcationBoadingGreetingpassengers Boarding loading andSolvingseatingproblemsDescribing types luggage of Requestsresponses andGabin servicee and amenitieMealservice On boardsalesClasses service ofDescribing anddrinks food Making offers Askingaboutpreferences ApotogizingHealth and medical is$resissues HeatthRemedies Attending sick passengersParts ofthe body Offering hetpMaking suggestions Giving adviceSafety antlemcE;cnciesSafetyequipment procedures EmergencyExplainingsituations Responding concerns to Being assertivelntrcduction cabincrewt I I,tgffiii',i{*ttoo'::'\"Descent, ldrding, andlayoverPreparations [anding for Checking cabin the into Checking ahotelGiving instructions Advising Explaining what's happeningpermission Giving/refusingGeftin aioblob applications Theinterviewprocess crewiob requirements Cabinyourexperiences Tatkingabout andinterests job Tatking about challenges rewards and68leltyourrelfl7oPartner Flleg75 a4Ail3wer ky93Usgtul drrarssllanccrlptr4. About the book EnglishforCabinCrew beendeveloped hasspecificatty flightattendants need for who to useEnglish every atworkandfor people day whoaretraining become cabin crew. toThisbookwillshowlearners to communicate how clearly, directly,withauthority, and politely, butalso even whendealing withdifficuttsituations. English forCabin Crew consists eightunits. bookisorganized of The around the sequence a flight, of with welcomingstarting an introductory followed pre-flight, unit, by passengersboard, medical issues, on cabin services amenities, route and enhealth and and safety emergencies, descent, and landing, layover.finalunitgives and The advice positions. for cabin on applying crewfromthe bookworkindependently can and Units participants.accordingto needs interests the course Englishfor beselected theand of Cabin Crewis alsoideatfor self-studv. Each begins unit withaStarter, which consists a shortexercise quizandserves of or as anintroduction thetopicof the unit.Practical to industryexercises,listening extracts, texts, wellas photos ilh;strations youtoacquire vocabulary specific as and help key and you Realisticrole-plays'live the opportunity putatlyouhavelearned expressions.to intopractice. unitcloses Each withan Outputactivity, textrelatedthetopicof the a to for unitfoltowed questions reflectiondiscussion. by and you When have completed whole thebookyoucanTestYourselfl thecrossword with on pages 68-69.In theappendix Engtish of forCabinCrewyou wilt find the Partnerfilesyourownanswers youare fortherole-plays, theAnswer sothatyoucancheckand key if working alone. There alsoTranscripts the Listening areof extracts. Theil$ttiRoll contains atlthe Listeningextracts thebook. from These be ptayed can through audioplayer yourcomputer,through conventional the on There or a CD-player. is alsoan A-Zwordlistwith all the keywordsthat appear Engtish Cabin for in Crew.This includes column phonetics a space youto writethetranslationsthewords a of for and of yourlearning doing in yourown language.Interactiveexercises you review The let by exercises coveressential that the language the bookon yourcomputer. will be fromThis particularly valuable youareusing bookfor self-study. if the5. lntroduetion to cabin crewtake a list of thefob'sgoodpoints.Thenmakea list of the become cabincrew Whydopeople iob'[email protected] talk aboutthelr iobs.Completelnformation. Listento four people2I Iivearctn ltotatyearsflyingltheysay . rhl. i^h thlsiobrThebestpartis goingon I'min charge ofis My mainresponsibilityI report the tocabin. thewhole 6. to crew 6 UNT1 Introductioncabin2f&tul 4rln. Ietc[oech cpcnkorrlthefobonthelcerpath.Different countries, airlines, sizes aircraftallhave and of can different names cabin for crew iobs.purser/Senior purser/Cabin Chief service director/Cabinmanager/lnflight manager/ service service Inflight servicesdirector (PD/Economy purser (PB Purser/Business purser class classpurser Assistant Senior member/Senior attendant crew flightmemberlFlight Crew attendant,3tetdrthcvrrtcandphrrratomakefobluporclbllltlcs. r be 2 beinchargethe 3 secure cabin make 4 5 report 6 operate 7 lookafterthe 8takecare of 9 accountfor ro lookafter lt beresponsible !2 reportto4a b c d e f g h i j k Ifortake-offandlanding missing broken oremergency equipmentmanifest the money on call the cabinservicedirector for alltheflightattendants the paperwork of runningwholecabin the announcements the doorspassengers'comfortWdteonorcntenco.bout cachfobIn axerclseWhatpartof each doyouthlnk woutdbethe a fob mct Int rrrtlng theleart Interestln gd tm mostdlfflcultFlight attendantslookafterpassengers. must jobof senior going international The crewmember involves on flights. purser's The responsibilities includemaking announcements. The is cabin service director responsiblethewhole for cabin. 7. UNITl5Introductiontocabincrew 7tetch thefobcwlth the plcture, Cabln crewworkcloselywlthotheravlatlonprofesclonals. Flight crew a Captain b Firstofficerengineer c FtightT T TGroundcrew (fuel, maintenance, service etc.)d Apron/Ramp e Cabin service f Catering g Passengerserviceoperation service h Fieldilnrgnrilg$Jtlln n u lAtfncAilrrcusHapron6needto In Ghoose of the avlatlonprofecclonalsererclse5;Whywoulda cabincrewmembcr one them communlcatewlth 8.crew 8 UNITI' Introduction cabin to7How much youknowabouthistoryof cabin do the crew Guess answers thequestions. to the r 238Whatyeardidthe firstcabin crewmember fty jetlinerWhatyearwasthefirstcommercial flown When airrage did start becomeproblem a toyouranswers. Read text andcheck the Thenfind wordsinthe text to matchmeanings below. r-n4Aircraft Transport Travel andfly begins first scheduled the airlineservice. They between theUKandFrance. There no cabin are crew. lmperial Airways the firstair carrier use 'cabinboys'- the first flightattendants. is topassengers. They polite,andcomfort nervous are Western Airlines thefirst USairline serve is to foodin-flight. job becomes The morecomplex, flightattendants so mustbecome moreorganized do it well.to 2$year-old nurse,Ellen Church, becomes firstfemaleflightattendant. the Flight attendants nowexpected beprepared medical are to for emergencies. (ALSA) isThefirstflightattendants' union- the Airline StewardessesAssociation formed.Flight attendants nowskilledand professional.are (BOAC) British Overseas Airways Corporation startstheworld'sfirst commercialjetliner service. golden The ageof cabincreWbegins. Theirm